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About Us

Hi! I'm Kaylee! I began my training at Cleveland College of Art  & Design studying for a BA(HONS) Entertainment Design Crafts. I studied stage and costume design in depth, but at this point only admired hats from afar! It wasn't until the dreaded lockdown of 2020 that the opportunity to learn to create beautiful headwear came along. 

I began my initial training with Katherine Elizabeth and went on to complete courses with international milliners such as Lina Stein, Louise McDonald, Svetlana Faulkner and Sophie Allport. Each has taught me exciting new techniques that I incorporate into my hats to create pieces as unique and beautiful as my clients. 

Each of the pieces I make is created using traditional methods of steaming and stretching over wooden blocks and forms. I take time and care to sew each piece by hand to give the best finish on each headpiece. 

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